android virus 
The amount of personal information people store on smartphones, make mobile handsets a prime target for hackers. Not only are you susceptible to identity theft, but now that mobile technology is moving into the realms of online banking, auto-pay accounts and digital wallets, hackers can use malware to access you money. This article is mainly focused in providing some tips that will make your android device secured.

Below are tips and ways to completely protect your android device from the hands of Hackers.
How To Protect Your Android Device From Hackers
  • STEP 1:

 Be careful while installing the Applications from Android Market

This is particularly important for Android devices. Google recently 50,000 applications were withdrawn Suspects contain viruses. There are many applications, malware, viruses or other sneaky software to steal your information or limit damage to the phone. The Apple Application Store also has this problem.So, pay attention to the installation of applications. Check Permission before installing any Application from Market, below describes more about checking Permissions.
To see the permission given to an application after installation follow these steps:
  • Step 1- Go to you phone’s settings
  • Step 2- Then select “Applications” or “Manage Applications”
  • Step 3- From there you should be able to get to an Application’s specific settings. You should see buttons like “clear data.” To see the permission you may need to scroll down a bit

Using  An Anti-virus App

The efficacy of anti-virus apps on Android is a controversial subject on even the best of days. Needless to say, there are some very differing opinions on the necessity of having anti-virus software protecting your phone. Both sides of this debate have some credible and respectable reasons for their choice, so I will try and present both sides as objectively as I can. In full disclosure though, I personally do not use anti-virus on my phone. That’s a personal choice I made. Plenty of security experts whom I respect do chose to use anti-virus on their phones. So ultimately this will be a choice that is yours alone to make and not something where you should take cues from other people. That said, here are the pros and cons of each side as best as I know them.

Advantages using Antivirus:

  • Will protect you from all past threats
  • May protect you from a future threat
  • Often can have additional features for privacy and data protection
  • May have features to protect your phone if it is lost or stolen

Disadvantages using Antivirus:

  •  May waste system resources like battery and memory
  • It’s hard to protect from future/unknown threats
  • Can potentially cause serious harm to the OS (very rare but not unheard of)
  • May provide a false sense of security and encourage risky behavior

Tools that Protect Your Smartphone and Online Identity

-Abine’s MaskMe privacy suite
-Secure Password Generator
-KeePass’s Password Generator
-Use Bitcoin for online purchases
-PtotectMyID Mobile App
Do not ignore antivirus checks and make sure your smartphone has the latest versions of browser installed. Monitor your device’s behavior and check out this article for a list of suspicious symptoms. In addition, you can useMint or Credit Karmaapp to monitor your financial accounts

Set a device lockout

All smartphones come with a security lockout. Granted people don’t like to keep unlocking their phones every time there is an email but leaving your phone open can prove disastrous.
There is a compromise solution: find a lock-out that is long enough for ongoing, day-to-day stuff, but short-enough to protect your phone should it wind up in enemy hands (fifteen minutes might be a good compromise). On Android phones there is a feature that allows you to create a finger-swipe pattern “password” which is typically faster than a traditional typed password.

Protection from viruses

Smartphones are not remarkably different from PCs in that they also can get viruses, and more-and-more those viruses are designed to get at that treasure-trove of information that you have on your phone.  Thus make sure you’re running some form of anti-virus software to prevent malicious spyware from winding up on your phone and sending your information out over the web.

Avoid Jailbreaking or Rooting Your smartphone

If you jailbreak or root your Phone for fun and enjoyment, then good for you. But you should avoid it because it mess up your phone and show you more grief Happiness. Second, you will not be able to update your phone with the latest updates of the operating system, because it is in a unsupported mode.

 Use an apps instead of Browser

If you’re banking on your Phone or trading stock or anything else that may contain sensitive personal data Information between your phone and the Internet, it is best to use in place a formal application to the site or the company with the opening Your browser example phone.For have Chase, Bank of America and other large financial institutions their own applications for iOS and Android.

Performing Remote Wipes

Although it’s a horrid thing to have to consider, imagine if your phone was stolen and the thief was able to unlock it. What kind of information would this stranger have access to? Setting up a remote wipe will allow you (in a worst case scenario) to simply boot up your computer and issue a command that will erase all personal information from your lost or stolen phone.

Protect your iCloud and Google Account

What if someone have access to your iCloud or Google account, you can access a data set that you could create and edit your smartphone. source lowkeytech

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Blogger said... 21 January 2017 at 10:02

I'm using AVG Anti-virus for a few years now, and I'd recommend this product to everybody.

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