Welcome to this article, I know you might have open this
articles because you want to really know how to build a Wordpress website of your
dream. If you really want to build a website that really will make you stand
out of the crowd then you really need to grab this Our Wordpress Development
Kit. This Ebook will not only show you how to build a website but it will
equally give you an exert skills and guide for you to develop any kind of
What is Wordpress
Wordpress is a Content
Management system which enables you to create and build any kind of website
ranging from Blogs, Corporate Website, Forums, Shopping Website, and Ecommerce
Website etc. The website you can build using Wordpress is unlimited and that is
why it is being regard as one of the best CMS in the world.
As a clue to show you what you can build using Wordpres here
is an example of our website we build using wordpress:
Techmedia is a shopping website where we sale different
kinds of Digital Product, if you visit the site, you will see that the website
is made up of different section like Forum, Job Listening etc. This is to tell
how powerful you can use wordpress to build any kind of website.
The above website is a photography website build for a
client and if you take a look at the website, you can see how the website look
beautiful with full fledge look. This and more are the power of what kind of
website you can build using wordpress.
Career Opportunity attach to a wordpress Developer is
countless, if you master the skill of how to build a wordpress website, you can
become a web Consultant, Design any kind
of Website for client, Design and Launch a niche website where you can sale a
unique product for a particular Audience. With lay down guide in this Ebook,
you can learn how to create wordpress powered website from scratch. We use different screen shoot throughout the Course outline on the Guide to show you how you can achieve most technical work on Worpress Back End.
Content of
this Ebook
Basics and Advance introduction to wordpress
What is a Niche and How to choose a good Niche?
How to Register a Domain Name
How to choose a good web Hosting and a reliable place where you can buy a web Hosting plan with as little as 2500 for a year Hosting
How to install and configures wordpress through your control panel within five Minute
Where to get Quality Premium thousands of themes and Plugins for free Download
How to install and activate any plugin and themes on your wordpress Dashboard
How to customize your website
How to create any kind of website using wordpress (the advance Guide to wordpress hack)
How to monetize your website with different means (guarantee Yield of Income)
Where to get Quality and unique Wordpress help if you have any problem
Step by step guide on How to start Email Marketing properly with top Email Marketing Software Company
As a Means to let you become a web Developer, we shall not
only sale you an Ebook and leave you alone. Once you make a Purchase of our
Wordpress Guide, you will get the following Package.
24 Hour Calls and Email Support for 1 Month what N4000
Access to our online underground Forum What N3000
A hand Copy of Ebook on Niche Building Containing 1781 Different Hot Niche you can choose from to create a website that can make you at least $1000 per a Month for a start. What N5000
How to Turn 10000 Investment into a 250,000 Monthly Income Stream within 9 Months working Online from Home what 5000
The above Bonus will be given to you free of Charge if you
purchase this Our Wordpress Development Kit.
The Guarantee you have is that you will learn every in and
out of wordpress through this our Ebook and with Hard work and Dedication, you
will start building any kind of website that will be ready to bring in more
than 250,000per a month. Note that the Guide is not only on how to
build a Website but it include all the above four Additional Bonus Package to
make you master the act of Create an income Generating Website.
The Ebook are all in PDF Format and can be readable in any
PC with Adobe Reader installed.
What is the Requirement for learning this cause?
If you have the following then you have the entire
Ability to Read and Study
Personal Or Public Computer like Cybercafé
Internet Connection
Your Mind and Brain
Your Determination
If you have the above requirement, then you have all the
skills to get this Ebook Kit.
How to Order:
To pay through Direct bank deposit,
subscribers to this package are requested to pay the sum of 2000 to any any of the below bank using
the below account details:
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 6006955748
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 0045585084
Immediately after making a payment, text your Name, Amount Paid, Phone Number, Your Email Address to 08136367446
You can also pay for the package with your ATM Card by transferring N2000 into our bank accounts.
Immediately after making your payment, text your Name, Your Email Address, Teller Number Amount Paid, Phone
Number to 08136367446
Many banks in Nigeria now have their official mobile banking apps. With these apps, customers can perform many banking transactions from the comfort of their home.
Many banks in Nigeria now have their official mobile banking apps. With these apps, customers can perform many banking transactions from the comfort of their home.
Once your Payment is confirmed You shall forward the package to the Email Address you sent to us within 24hours.
Official Contact
If you have any More Question Regarding this Package Call us on 08136367446 or Email worldbasecommunicationtech@gmail.com.
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